Sunday, July 16, 2006
Yea, the Buses Come In Clusters
It seems weird that rather than distributing the buses so they arrive in even, more convenient intervals, they arrive in bunches even when it doesn't make sense.
(More could be said about this, in terms of the frustrations it creates for people who've already waited for extended periods, only to see a clause of buses arrive at the same time.)
Rather than sending 3 buses to transport very few passengers in relation to available seats, how about distributing them over each hour so that the schedules level better? Basically, how about not sending more buses than actually are needed? Likewise, how about sending more buses to where they Are actually needed? Duh...
Nobody would pay more for a product than its actual price. Only the MTA would.
But we'll see. When the MTA shows a solid switch in persona, I'll stop whining about them here. Right now there seems to be a plethora of inconsistencies, though.
But sometimes there are three empty buses across from where the crowd is waiting for the bus. A crowd can wait for more than 20 minutes only to see 2-3 buses arriving in the opposite direction and be almost empty. That ought to be a provocation. It's as though you wait to be served a meal, and somebody keeps teasing you with fake food.
Don't know why it happens, but in combination with all the other issues it appears to be stemming from some form of mismanagement. It's hard to not be cynical after you experience all the other things.
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